A huge number of graduates having a completely different level of knowledge and give the exam. In order to objectively assess their individual training, the leading Russian experts were introduced such concepts as "primary" and "test" scores.

Each task of the exam is graded from 1 to 6 points. Primary score is a simple sum of all correct answers. Depending on the discipline the maximum number of points varies from 37 to 80.

After setting the raw score is the procedure of scaling, which is the translation of the results obtained in test scores based on the processing of the replies received. Therefore, the test score is the final score obtained by each students according to the exam results.

Scale, according to which the translation of the raw score in a test that takes into account the complexity of tasks and the results of the statistical analysis of all examination papers of the participants. The calculation is carried out using a specially developed computer program, which is based on a mathematical model that takes into account a range of intermediate indicators.

To confirm the development of educational disciplines, graduate must earn the minimum number of test points, which is regulated by the order of Rosobrnadzor on the results of each specific exam. Information about the required minimum test scores becomes available 7 days after the exams for a specific.

If the number of points you received on the results of the exam are higher than the statutory minimum, it means that you passed the exam, successfully completed the programme of secondary education and can use the results for admission to the UNIVERSITY.

In the case when your result one of the two mandatory exam below the minimum, then you can exercise your right to retake the exam. However, it can be done only in special reserve days once and only on one subject.

If you did not receive the minimum number of points in two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), then you will be denied re-examination in the current year. In this case, you will naturally lose your passport and will only receive a certificate of training in high school. In this case, the right to retake the exams next year.