Nutritional therapy for peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer is made individually and depends on the stage of exacerbation or remission. These features is able to establish only a doctor, so do not neglect his advice.
In the acute stage of the disease from the diet completely eliminated any fresh and rye bread and baking, good vegetable, meat and fish broths, fatty meats, smoked meats, sausage, salty cheese, heavy cream, fried or hard-boiled eggs. You can not eat corn, millet, barley groats, as well as whole pasta and beans. Also not allowed a big part of the greens, vegetables and fruits, especially acidic and coarse in fiber.
Despite the large number of constraints, all menu ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer remains quite diverse. Can be used dried or yesterday's bread 1, 2nd varieties, crackers, cookies croquet. Especially useful for damaged mucous soups. For their preparation do not use cabbage, radish, sorrel, spinach, onions, and other vegetables saute. In the soup add the semolina, rice, buckwheat, and vermicelli. Vegetable broth definitely drained.
For the preparation of meat and poultry use only vegetable varieties that are boiled and served in mashed form. The same condition must be observed for cooking fish. Garnish to the second dish useful sorts of vegetable puree, except for the cabbage, radish, sorrel, spinach, onions, mushrooms, Swede. Useful green peas, rice, buckwheat, noodles, vermicelli.
From dairy products you can eat almost everything, but without the acidity. Sour cream in a little yogurt a day, cheese is better in a shabby, cream only natural.
In the preparation of any allowable meals not to use spices. To fill the ready meals and dairy smeshannymi sauces or fruit and berry gravy. From drinks you can drink tea with milk or cream, cocoa, broth hips, sweet fruit-berry juices. For dessert, honey, jam, berries and fruits are better in baked or boiled form.
With the subsiding of the acute stage of the disease table is gradually expanding. Early add zucchini and squash, boiled, home-made noodles, milk soups. All dishes are also steamed or boiled and served in mashed form. The diet consists of 5-6 meals. Adherence to this diet ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer is necessary for a long time – 1-1.5 years.