Use repellent against blood-sucking insects. It's chemical substances and devices, repellent of mosquitoes, ticks, mosquitoes and horseflies. Apply on the skin a spray or cream which forms a protective layer. Carefully apply it on all exposed skin in accordance with the instructions thereto. Please note that for children suitable cosmetic repellents are marked. Usually you can use them from the age of three. If you have a device that fights insects with the help of infrared radiation and carbon dioxide, use it. The radius of such inventions is very high. Their disadvantage is the high price compared to creams and gels which should be applied to the skin.
Choose closed clothes, especially if you are long under the trees. With them you can drop a tick. Don't forget a hat, wear a jacket with sleeves, long pants and closed shoes. As for mosquito bites, you can get them even through the thick fabric. Try to buy a innovative clothing with the function of protection against insects. Its special coating will not allow you to leave on your skin painful traces.
Protect a bed. Hang the mosquito net, which can be purchased very inexpensively at almost any hardware store. Such a barrier will protect you and your loved ones from a large number of insects. Make sure the tent where you spend the night, had the minimum number of gaps between the ceiling, floor and walls of the tent. Then you will keep crawling insects. Before bed procurethe the room with incense sticks, insect repellent.
Take care to protect from the bites of stinging insects. Firstly, do not go barefoot on the grass. It can sit bees and wasps. Secondly, try to refrain from bright colors, for example red. This coloring is an annoying OS. Third, after a meal, get the sweet fruit and jams - they attract insects. Fourth, the kindle fire. The smoke repels bees and wasps. If you did get one of them, not making any sudden movements, gently shake it. In any case, do not dismiss them.