To know the tariff in the network of "Beeline" at number *111#. After clicking vyzovay you will be on the menu. Find the option "My tariff". Instead, you can make a call by the numbers*110*05# or 067405. Wait for SMS with information about your tariff.
Subscribers of MegaFon can find out your rate, depending on the region of registration. Help for the Central branch: *105*2*0#. For the Urals branch: *225#; for a branch: *160#; Siberian branch: *105*1*3#; for Caucasian branch: *105*1*1#. In some cases information is given by the numbers: 0555; *105*1*1*2#; *105#; *100#
Subscribers of MTS can check their rate for the room: *111*2*5*2#. To know the tariff plan you can: *111*59#, 4959694433.
The operator "Tele2" provides background information on: *108#.