The person who started going to Church should understand that going to the temple, he goes to a meeting with God himself. This is the first and most important condition. Joint Church prayer does not dissipate thoughts, and hymns set to the appropriate way soul.
Before the service it is advisable to spend some time in silence and prayer. The temple is a house of God. Based on this, a visit to the Church must be reverent.
Every Orthodox Christian is required to attend Sunday and holiday services. You should seek to understand worship. All questions and doubts should be resolved with the priest.
To dress when visiting the temple should be clean and tidy. Women proper clothing suitable for their gender, that is, dresses and skirts, not too open or tight. It is advisable not to use cosmetics. A woman in the Church must be with the covered head (1 Cor. 11, 13). A man should be in Church without headgear (1 Cor. 11, 4). The woman in the period of purification can not go to the temple.
Entering the temple, you should leave all worldly care. The service does not need to rotate, make noise, talk, distracting from the prayers of the people. Men, on the ancient tradition of the Church, standing at the right side of the temple, women on the left.
The service need to delve into prayer, singing and reading. If the thread of the service is lost, the priest is recommended to pray silently: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner". You should not leave the Church before the final dismissal of the service.
And do not think that this candle is a bribe to God. "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit" (PS. 50, 19). Putting a candle, the man describes himself as soft wax, wanting to be as malleable to the will of Christ, and calls God to light the flame of faith in the heart.
The more a person continues to go to Church, the fewer the questions, everything falls into place. Always keep in mind the words of the Holy king David: "I am in the multitude of Thy mercy will enter into Thy house" (PS. 5, 8), that is, the person enters into the temple by the grace of God, not by their own will. And SVT. John Chrysostom calls, taking from God the grace to bear in response to such a sacrifice: "we will worship Thy Holy temple in Thy fear" (PS. 5, 8) – not like many of the worshipers, who are scratching myself at the moment, yawn, doze off, but with fear and trembling. Whoever prays thus ulagam all evil, is to all virtues, becoming themselves the pleasure of God.
How to go to Church
For a person just coming to faith and began to attend worship, there is always the question: whether he does it correctly perceives what is happening around.

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