You will need
  • boxes from under the Shoe and candy, plasticine, an adhesive tape,ruler, scissors, 2 plastic bottles, 2 pencil, paper for children's creativity, scraps of fabric and lace.
In order to make a stylish chair for dolls, have obliquely cut off bottom of a plastic bottle as follows: make a mark with a pencil at a distance of twelve inches from the bottom on one side of the bottle (it will be back for future chairs). But on the other hand, at a height of five cm from the bottom. Cut the bottle with a knife and then cut it diagonally with scissors, following the markings on the bottle. The chair is ready. Now you can put on the bottom of plastic chairs, a small pillow and cover it with a cloak.
For the manufacture of floor lamp you will need a half-liter plastic bottle, some plasticine, a pencil or straw for a cocktail, lace trimming tape for decoration and a pair of scissors.
Cut the bottle exactly at the bottom (the lamp stand) and the neck in the "shoulders" of the bottle (that is the base of the lampshade). To the bottom glue with Crayola pencil, and on the other hand attach the base of the lampshade. Slip into the shade cover, assembled accordion and fastened with a thread, around the tube.
Table for Barbie it is possible to make out of an empty box of chocolates, cut out of her top and gluing the two sides of the legs of the stand. You need to stick with a small bend in cardboard on the upper side of the legs to an improvised tabletop.
The rack can be made from a Shoe box, cut along where the cover of the box will serve as a door (side bend of the cover will need to trim). Attach the doors to the main box you should use the adhesive tape on the inside. The hanging rail can be made from a pencil.