Furniture from boxes. Very easy to make a sofa or bed out of the box. For this you will need directly box or a few boxes, scissors, a sharp hobby knife, foam, cotton or polyester (or other printed material), thread, needles, glue. Out of the box cut out where you need – glue, for example, back, and legs of the bed or armrests of the sofa. Then glue the blank foam roll cushions for the armrests and backrest of the bed and sew them in advance. Glue the wrong sides of the furniture with a cloth. Keep between the fabric and cardboard were no air bubbles. The front side panel, firmly pull fabric and catching her by the fabric glued from the inside. Sew cushions and covers, stuff pillow with polyester wadding. The furniture is ready.

Furniture from tin cans. This furniture is best to make with adults. This will help to avoid injuries. Take a tin can, better if it is of thin metal, for example, fit a can of soda or beer. Side banks cut into thin strips and bend them in the direction from the bottom. Using pliers, connect the several strips, spin out their patterns and model future legs of table or chair. When the workpiece is ready, sew a pillow and put it in the bottom of the jar.

Wicker furniture from Newspapers. Country doll furniture can do this: take a newspaper, cut them into thin strips, using a long knitting needle roll them into tubes. Tubes seal with white glue. From the newspaper roll into a tight ball, it will be necessary for the volume of the chair. Eight tubes put asterisk and start twisting them around the other tubes. Fix with glue the ends. When you consider that the round seat ready, fold the edges of the eight top and braid back. For convenience, put rolled up newspaper ball. The denser your ducts will adhere to each other, the stronger the chair.
Furniture of plastics. It is enough durable and not inferior to store-bought furniture can be made of plastic. Plastic you buy in the art store – self-hardening or baking. Make frame the future of the furniture of thick foil and oblepicha it rolled out the plastic. In order to ensure that the product was neat, for compacting one layer to the other laminates, use a toothpick. Draw small details and patterns and leave to dry, if it impolitenesses material or bake in the oven at a temperature of 135-150 C for 30 minutes. After curing razreshite acrylic paints and cover furniture varnish. Also, plastic is very convenient to do the dishes, accessories, and food for the Barbie.