You will need
  • -identity documents of all parties involved
  • -title deed for the house
  • -title document land
  • cadastral passport in the room and discharge certified by a representative of BTI
  • cadastral passport for the land plot (if you give a share of the house)
  • permission from all owners or the court's decision on the allocation of your share)
  • -permission from the legal representatives of minors and incapacitated
  • -the donation contract drawn up and notarized
  • -statement by the donee for registration of ownership rights
  • help all spelled out for housing
First, the donor must be evidence about the General share ownership of the present property. If not, then you need to register. If it is, then the documents need to be updated, because the shelf life of the cadastral passport to housing – 5 years. Call the technician from BTI. Based on the inspection of housing you will make a new technical paper on it. The donation of shares in the apartment, with a technical document, you must go to the registration center real estate for all homeowners. There you will be given a certificate of right to property.
If you give share in the house, it is necessary to obtain a technical document, not only at home, but also a cadastral passport for the land plot. To do so, call the organization for land management. They will produce the required amount of work and will give you the technical documents on the site. They should be treated in the Rosnedvizhimost'. On the basis of technical documents your site will register and will make him a cadastral passport for it. All documents and all owners should contact the state records center. There you will receive the documents on the right to ownership of the house and the land.
Just take permission from all owners of the property giving your share. Prepare and assure him that needs a notary. If you give your share in the property of the participant of the General share property, then permission from the other owners is not necessary. If other owners are not allowed to give you his share of the commonly shared property, refer the case to the court on the allocation of your share of the property. After the separation of its share – permission for donation from other owners is required.
If the owners are minors or incapacitated citizens, the consent to donation should give their legal representative.
After all documents are collected, please refer to the notary for conclusion of a contract on donation of a share of property.
All documents and the contract of donation should contact the registration center for registration of real estate. There the donee will issue a certificate on property donated property.