You will need
    • meat;
    • salt;
    • water;
    • spices;
    • sugar;
    • vinegar.
The first method of drying is more suitable for the villagers, because to bring the meat, you will need a dark room like the attic or the shed. Cook should be in a cool time of year – late autumn or early spring as the optimum temperature bring by this method should not exceed 10 degrees.
Take a piece of meat (veal, lamb, horse, chicken, rabbit). Separate the flesh from the bones and major tendons. Cut along the grain in long strips with a thickness of 3 to 5 inches.
Prepare a strong brine: 200 grams of salt per 1 liter of water. Can add a bit of spice: Bay leaf, pepper, etc. Bring to the boil. Each strip of meat is fully submerge in the boiling brine for 3 minutes. Then the meat should be removed to drain the brine. Repeat this procedure in turn with each piece.
When all the meat has cooled down, it should be hung for drying in a dry dark place (e.g. in the attic or in the barn). After about three weeks it will be ready.
The second method is best suited for beef or large game, such as elk, deer. You can cook it in a city apartment. Take a piece of meat separate from the bones and major tendons. Cut along the grain in thin strips (no thicker than 1 cm). You can gently discourage strip on both sides.
One kilo of meat prepare a mixture: about 40 grams of salt, a tablespoon of ground coriander, one teaspoon of black pepper and sugar.
Stripes wipe meat on both sides with vinegar mixture, then roll in mixture, then lay as closely as possible in a stainless steel tank or enamel bowl. Press down the yoke, put in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Then remove the container, flip all the pieces to the other side, again press down the yoke and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours. After that, rinse the meat in strongly diluted vinegar (about 1%), wring out and hang in a dry ventilated place, protected from insects with gauze capes. A maximum of 2 days the meat is ready.