You will need
  • the herb St. John's wort;
  • - beeswax;
  • lard;
  • - the resin of coniferous trees;
  • - birch buds;
  • - cabbage leaves;
  • - alcohol;
  • - water.
Use an excellent remedy for healing wounds on the face - the infusion of Hypericum. To cook pour 2 tablespoons of herb to 1 Cup boiling water and cover with a mixture of dense cover. After 30-40 minutes, strain the infusion. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting means and apply to the wound 3-5 times a day for 15-20 minutes. For greater effect, the infusion before applying a little heat. After 2-3 days the wound on the face will gradually be delayed.
Prepare yourself analog special ointments for healing wounds. For this mix 100 grams of beeswax, 100 grams of pork fat (inner), 100 grams of the resin of coniferous trees (spruce gum). These components are thoroughly mix to a smooth consistency and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this ointment will cool down and place in a glass bowl. Before use, the wound on the face , wash with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. Ointment apply a thin layer at night. After 3-4 days you will notice a definite improvement.
A painful wound on the face can be treated with infusion of birch buds. For the 4 tablespoons pour 2 cups of alcohol (vodka). Leave the infusion for 5-7 days, covering capacity with a tight lid. Affected skin clean the resulting solution 3-5 times a day until complete healing of the wound.
Make a healing ointment made from the fresh buds of birch. For this, grind 2 tablespoons of the kidneys and mix with 3 tablespoons of butter until homogenous. The resulting ointment apply a thin layer 2-3 times daily to problem skin.
Apply to heal wounds, cabbage leaves, they are no less effective in various wounds. Miss 50-100 grams of fresh leaves of cabbage through a meat grinder. To the resulting mass add 1 egg white and mix thoroughly. Apply this remedy 2-3 times a day for 30-40 minutes.