The main sign of the presence of the sprain is severe pain in the joints after any injury. It also happens that the pain does not appear immediately, but after some time the injured area is swollen, the joint becomes immobile and appear unpleasant sensation of pain.
A sprain can be of varying severity. At first mild, then comes a ligament damage in a small area, pain and swelling are either absent or insignificant. When the second average degree - as a rule, there is a partial tear of the ligaments, mild pain, swelling of the joint and the appearance of a bruise. In the third - to-severe - complete ligament rupture with severe symptoms. This injury is very dangerous.
For sprains of any severity to the victim it is necessary to properly provide first aid to minimise the risk of dangerous consequences.
The victim sit or lay, and damaged hand ensure immobility. On the injured joint, apply a pressure bandage, which it is desirable to use an elastic bandage. If necessary, construct a makeshift splint (Board, ruler, etc.).
On the injured place put cold (ice or soaked in cold water towel). It is necessary to reduce the pain and swelling. To avoid increasing the swelling, the hand of the victim position as possible its normal state.
A sprain can be treated with ointments and gels containing diclofenac, indomethacin and ibuprofen. To do this, massage the remedy into the affected area and cover with warm bandage.
Stretching the first and second degrees of severity can also be treated and fizioprotsedury, which take place in hospitals.
In case of severe stretching or complete rupture of the ligament will not prevent the operation of their stitching. But in the case of mild to moderate stretching all symptoms usually disappear in 1-2 weeks.