Do not interfere in the relationship between daughter-in-law and son, even if you think that you know better how to build a family. Provide young themselves: they will understand their problems. In some cases, if the daughter-in-law asked you to help her. However, explain that you will not do this all the time: young to learn, not turning to parents for help constantly.
Talk to sister-in-law calmly, avoid lecturing tone, morals, do not try to show their superiority. Talk friendly and kindly, smile. Daughter-in-law probably otzerkalivat your behavior and try to please you.
Trust his son's choice and don't upset the daughter, because she is not worthy of your boy. Husband loved it, and this means that it has many appealing features. Do not consider her a bad wife just because she doesn't fit your ideal daughter-in-law. If a woman does not like you, at least try to behave with her politely and calmly.
Don't think daughter-in-law robs you of the attention and love of the son, and especially don't blame her for that. The love for his wife and the love of a mother is completely different. Don't insist that young often visited you and do not come to visit them every day, because young families may be your case.
Don't let the daughter-in-law advice of an intimate nature and never enter the room without the young demand. However, if the wife of the son she asks you for advice, you can give it. Remember that she's still learning, and you can help with their wisdom when it is needed.
If you live together with daughter-in-law, calmly react to the way she runs her household. No need to teach a girl to cook, clean, do Laundry, etc if she asks. If you see that the daughter is trying to help you with the housework – don't reject her help, even if you think that the young woman is doing everything wrong. Be patient.