Of sympathy, of benevolence your pet learn at the satisfied smiling face, purring that starts when you approach, the rubbing on you forehead. Your love for the cat Express the same: smile, speak in a low voice something gentle, stroking the cat's forehead. You can be sure that the pet understands you correctly.
Interest, curiosity and OCR on the raised cat ears, a closer look, the face elongated in the direction of interest in the subject, animal or human. You can Express interest in the cat, as if sniffing the muzzle of your pet.
Learn to understand bad mood nursling and her anger. The main index in this issue is the tail. If im a cat "wagging", a sign of incipient irritation. At this point, it is better not to stroke, limit yourself to calm, benevolent words, the intonation of which would affect the cat soothingly. Extreme anger expresses cat's tail, which the cat pounding on the floor. However, she usually sits back or in a half turn to the man or animal is the source of negative emotions. If you try to touch the animal in a moment in your hand will instantly dig their sharp teeth or claws. Then the cat jumps to the side.
Meeting my eyes with your pet, avoid direct unblinking gaze. It is equivalent to a threat. In order not to create tension, slightly just squint your eyes and blink 2-3 times. "It's okay", you let the cat in turn, shielding his eyes.
Learn to recognize the signs of trust from the cat. The deepest degree of liking to the man the cat shows, opening the abdomen and allowing them to pet him. Sometimes it can, rolling over on his back and covering his eyes, invitingly "Molykote" as if to say "Pet me!". During stroking of all the muscles of the animal's body relaxed, the face expresses happiness. Try to touch the cat's abdomen without an invitation should not be, if you don't want to run into a furious attack sharp claws.
When you want to achieve from pet certain actions, say a command out loud, for example, "cat, fetch the paper!" or "carrot top, catch the mouse!". Then clearly imagine how the animal is doing what you asked him to. Many scientists involved in the study of the behavior of cats, sure they can capture information using telepathic communication. The mental image arising in the mind of the master, passed on to his favorite, and often cats do satisfy the requests of the owners, of course, if it does not conflict with their independent nature.