The length of the rope depends on your height. If you choose too short during the jump it will not touch the floor and you will have to make additional efforts to raise high feet. Too long a rope will give a clear rotation, will be confused and disturb.
Take both ends of the rope in one hand. Pull it forward exactly at chest level so that the angle between the arm and your body was 90 degrees. The lower end of the rope will touch the floor, he shouldn't be a crease on the floor or hang above the floor a few inches from him. This measurement will provide the optimal length of rope strictly for your growth, it will be a guarantee of quality and effective training.
Another way to determine the correct length. Grab the rope at both ends with two hands and stand in the middle with both feet. Pull the equipment along the trunk. If the top of the handles were at the level of the armpits or at least below the chest – jump rope for you. If the cord of the product to be a little longer, it will be difficult to control traffic and virtually impossible to do a double jump.
If the opportunity to personally measure the length of the rope under your growth, focus on the conventional table of ratio of height to length:

for growth up to 150 cm will fit 1.8 metre product;
- 151-167 cm - 2.5 m;
- 168-175 cm to 2.8 m;
- 176-183 cm - 3.0 m;
from 183 cm to 3.5-3.8 m.
For effective lessons give preference to the rope with a cord made of PVC or a rubberized cord. The handle should be a comfortable size for your hands, smooth, without burrs and cracks. The cord should not be too thin and light, otherwise the rope will be confused and cling.