Dosage Smecta for kids under the age of years is 1 sachet a day, which should be diluted in 50 ml of water and give during the day (a few receptions).
If the baby no problem drinking from a bottle, then give him a healing solution is quite simple, and if not – you will have to use a spoon or a syringe (without a needle, 2 or 5 ml). At one time the child enough to drink 10-15 ml of medication, and even if he agrees to drink more, should continue in a few hours. Most importantly – thoroughly shake the bottle of solution before you give it to the kid, because the medication quickly settles to the bottom.
Also you can mix the "Smectite" with the usual scraps of food, formula or expressed breast milk, juice or juice, smoothie, soup, or porridge. Just don't pour the whole dose in one serving – one sachet should be distributed evenly throughout the day. Mix the medicine with a small portion of food and give it to the kid in the first place, to be sure that the medicine will get to the right place, even if he finishes the entire portion. Be sure to thoroughly mix the medicine with liquid or food to prevent the ingress of powder into the airway of a child.
With regard to duration of admission, even if everything quickly returned to normal, need to drink "Smectite" for three days. It was during this period she will have time to finally rid your body of all the remaining germs and restore the protective barrier in the gut. If your doctor has recommended a longer course of treatment – listen to his recommendations. If you along with "the Smektoj" the doctor prescribed the intake of any other medications, please note that make them not earlier than two hours after Smecta (or no later than hour prior to her admission).