Children up to years let's 1 packet of the drug (3 gr.) a day. Divide the desired dose into three reception. Dilute in milk or infant formula, is also suitable juices. The drug is virtually harmless, but better
to consult with a specialist.
Children from one to two years let two bags (6 oz.) a day. If the child is still drinking the mixture, dilute the powder in it. If not, then mix the drug with water, juice or food. Give preferably in between meals, but if the child refuses to drink the drug, then mix it with the main meals.
Children older than two years, let's three bags (9 oz.) a day. Mix the powder with a drink of the baby, but it is important that it was non-carbonated. If the child doesn't want to drink Smektu, then add it to the food. But if you give the drug between meals, it will work faster.