You will need
  • - access to the Internet.
To enter coordinates of a particular location on the maps online, enter latitude and longitude in the search bar. To obtain the most accurate results, put the second in the fraction of a minute, as some services will not be able to recognize them. The more digits after the decimal point will be, the more likely to get a more detailed map. Data is entered in the search box of Google, Yandex or any other search engine that you use in the Maps section.
To obtain the exact coordinates of the location you are interested in a particular object, find out its exact address, and then type it to the string you use search engines. In the "Card" will display information regarding the coordinates.
To enter coordinates of a particular object in the Navigator, use the corresponding menu of the software. Please note that depending on your equipment and maps you can obtain information with different accuracy.
Try to use the most detailed maps for your device, especially maps where you are often. If you don't like the maps in your Navigator, replace them, if necessary, change the device software. Please note that many of these items are not free, their download and subsequent update will require that you have a means of payment online.
When you select maps and software for navigation, pay attention to conform to the device model. If you are using a Navigator phone, you will be much easier to navigate the choices. Do not use hacked software for your device and try not to break the terms of the contract with the developer.