You will need
  • topographic map of the area; a computer with Internet access
The easiest method involves the use of conventional topographic maps. The image areas on such a map has a scale and grid coordinates. At the outputs of lines of a grid near the frame, framing the map sheet, indicate the values of their rectangular coordinates.
The second method requires a computer and access to a worldwide network of Internet. The method allows to accurately determine geographic coordinates on a picture taken with an artificial Earth satellite.
Open Google Maps. Find a place on the map, the coordinates where you intend to install. The map can be moved around the computer screen by means of a manipulator or the corresponding buttons on the keyboard, while the apparent scale of objects will change according to your desire.
Press the right button of the manipulator on the desired point on the map. Select the menu item “What's here?”. On your map you will see a label (marker). Take a look at the top part of the window, and you will find that there were geographic coordinates of the searched location.
Similarly, you can use to locate the service "Yandex. Map. To find out the coordinates, click "Get info", on which is drawn a question mark and an arrow. The button is located in the upper left part of the map. Clicking on the map, you'll find that appears on the map marker. While in the search string will be the desired coordinates.
Here is another unusual way to find the location of the settlement. Many astrological services provide free service for determining the geographic coordinates of a large number of settlements. By entering a search string the name of the settlement, click "Search". Before you'll be the coordinate values corresponding to a town or village, with accuracy, usually to within a minute. The data format might look like this: St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia, Leningrad region, 59°55'N, 30°15'E.