Take advantage of a direct flight from Domodedovo to any day. The first flight 13.05 - Airbus A319 airline "S7". The second plane, the Boeing 737, from "GA", takes off from Domodedovo airport at 16.20. Take the opportunity to buy a plane ticket through the Internet - this will considerably save your time besides you can choose the desired place on Board the ship.
Time difference between Moscow and Tbilisi is not. The distance between these cities is 1645 km, So buying tickets Moscow-Tbilisi, the passengers will fly to Georgia for 2 hours and 40 minutes.
Please note that the cheapest ticket to Tbilisi are offered by the company "the Siberian airlines". But still cheaper to fly with transfers. This service offered by many airlines, for example: "Azerbaijan airlines" connecting to Baku;"Armavir" connecting to Yerevan;"Ural airlines" - change in Yekaterinburg;"Belavia" - transfer to Minsk; AeroSvit - transplant in Kiev.
Russian citizens who travel by air to Georgia, it is important to remember that definitely need a visa. You can get a visa at the airport in Tbilisi. You need to prepare and present the documents: the international passport and the questionnaire, which is filled on the spot. Also have to pay 35 American dollars.
In the case that fly direct Moscow-Baku, visa is not required. Tbilisi airport is called Novoalekseevka. It is located twenty kilometers from Tbilisi. The town can be reached by bus No. 37 in 50 minutes by train or s-Bahn in 25 minutes. If you want you can take a taxi.