You will need
  • - antibiotics (only on prescription)
  • - sage
  • - Segalovich planifolia
  • - goričnike Russian
Treatment of a flux
If you experience a flux is necessary to visit a doctor to examine the affected area and advised treatment.
The treatment is performed in the dental clinic. The doctor anaesthetises the area of the gums (near teeth) and produces all the necessary actions for elimination of flux.
After the procedure, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents that relieve pain and inflammation.
After you leave the clinic, you must refrain from eating food for 2-4 hours.
To take antibiotics that are prescribed by a dentist, need a few days, from 5 to 7 (on medical advice).
Gradually swelling, pain and inflammation will take place. By the end of the medication they disappear altogether.
The use of folk remedies
Folk remedies are not able to remove the flux, but can relieve pain. Dissolve 300 g of boiling water 2 tablespoons sage, eryngium Planum, goricnica Russian. Rinse your mouth 7-8 times a day. For pain in the tooth should wet cotton wool and apply to tooth.
Observing all the above instructions, you will be able very soon to get rid of flux and again to enjoy your favorite food. Discomfort to disturb you no longer.