So to prevent unpleasant and dangerous effects, contact your dentist. He will prescribe you necessary treatment, for example, will prescribe painkillers, antibiotics. Surgical intervention may be required only in special cases. Of course, to see a specialist is not always possible, or rather, not immediately. In such cases, will help you to alleviate their condition, the treatment at home. You will be able to reduce the temperature, to reduce swelling.
You should start with the cold compress. Using ice can reduce the pain that arose from the flux. Cold apply only to the cheek, in which there was swelling, hold ice or soaked in cold water cloth for a few minutes. The swelling will go down immediately, it will happen gradually, so be patient.
For pain and swelling not superfluous and frequent rinsing of the mouth. Such procedures, in addition, and relieve the resulting inflammation, remove pus, get rid of bacteria which became the source of abscess, to speed up the entire healing process. When diluting mouthwash you can use various tools from the pharmacy (for example, medicinal herbs and plants), as well as sea salt and baking soda.
In the absence of Allergy to anything and other contraindications, the dentist may prescribe, as already mentioned, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, such as "Ibuprofen "tylenol . With their help you can significantly reduce the pain. However, in no case do not purchase these tools on their own, without expert advice.
In addition, you should not take any antibiotics without first consulting with your doctor. If you must, then replace them with better natural remedies: pharmacy buy granulated garlic and take it according to instruction. This tool will remove swelling, remove inflammation.