In a statement to "Postinora" given strict recommendation for re-appointment preparation is desirable only after a medical examination, and not earlier than 6 months after the previous use. After all, the impact on the hormonal system of the female body by the force is comparable with a severe concussion.
Postinor can be taken only as a means do emergency contraception in situations where the pregnancy is unacceptable – for example, if you rape women or do a random sexual contact in the period of ovulation in the monthly menstrual cycle. This drug can be used only in women with established cycle, in the absence of serious pathology of the liver, malignant neoplasms, diseases of blood vessels (thrombosis).
To exclude the negative influence of "Postinor" after taking the drug before the expected time of the onset of the next menstrual period it is advisable to visit a gynecologist for evaluation of possible side effects, and in the absence of bleeding in a period of a doctor's consultation is mandatory – the only way to find out, or if pregnancy or taking the drug led to a severe disorder of the menstrual cycle.
Until the next menstrual period need to find out from the doctor whether to take medications to improve blood clotting and strengthening uterine contractions, which ones and in what dosages. This is especially required for women who have monthly bleeding, and so is big enough or has previously been hormonal disturbances requiring hormonal correction.
Do not want to use "Postinor" childless women, even after a single dose of the drug there is a risk of irreversible hormonal disorders (although very minor, according to statistics of infertility comes only one woman out of 1000).
With regular sexual intercourse, it is preferable to choose the advice of a physician most appropriate method of contraception – condoms, oral contraceptive pills, IUDs, long-acting preparations, and not hope that taking "Postinor" will not have a negative impact on a woman's body.