You will need
- - raw meat;
- - raw fish;
- - bone meal;
- - boiled rice;
- - cottage cheese;
- - crackers.
Every day give your pet raw meat at the rate of 10-25 g per kilogram of body weight of the animal. Workers and large dogs feed small meals 3-4 times a day. Serve fish. Put in a bowl 1/3 fish and 2/3 of the meat.

Use as a filling of boiled rice with vegetable oil or animal fat. However, please note that separately to give the dog rice impossible. As a supplementary source of vitamins A, D and E use the pieces of raw liver is added with a portion from 5 to 15 g.

Include in the diet likes cheese, herring, boiled eggs. Ensure that the bowl was always clean water.

The dog is medium in size and let's a day for 100 g of dairy products, 300 g meat, 150 grams of rice or bread, 20 g of bone meal and 25 grams of fat. To pet was not choosy in food and always had a good appetite, do one day a week fasting. In those days, give your dog only pure water and a few crackers.

Remember that a dog cannot be sour, fermented, cooked or frozen food. It is also very harmful for the animal cooked bones, the components of which it is impossible to digest. They can damage the intestinal wall, in contrast to raw (even tubular) bones. Chalk and egg shells in the food can not be added as they are absorbed not more than 3 percent.

Pay attention to the feeding and whelping females, after three weeks, increase the ration by half. Feed it high-grade innards, lean meat, bones, fat, cottage cheese 3-4 times a day. After the appearance of the puppies, increase the diet to four times when four-time feeding.
Starting in 23 days, when puppies are able to lap milk from the bowl, reduce the mother's diet. Feeding puppies start with a mix of milk and raw egg yolks. Serve raw meat in the form of scraping and cooked mashed vegetables.