You will need
  • connection to the Internet.
If you are aware of the name and surname of the person, the cell phone number which you want to know, search for contacts in a social network "Vkontakte". This method has its advantages – it is fully legitimate, in contrast to the use of CDs, however, there is one big disadvantage – privacy settings often make it difficult to see the necessary data.
Select the filter resultsin Kazakhstan and the city, if any, information you have available. If the phone number is listed on the page, but on the contrary it says "Information is hidden", add this person to your friends list or ask the information you need from his friends list.
If you know the location of this person, please contact the personnel Department, explaining the situation. Perhaps after listening to you, you will be given the phone number you are interested in the subscriber's cellular network. Also try to find out through mutual friends.
Run the query to search by name, surname, patronymic and city of residence of the person you are interested in. He may have been placed on certain resources contact information. Also if you are aware of the e-mail address, you can find it in various services that support search contacts via e-mail. It is possible that in his profile on one of the resources will be provided his contact information including cell phone number.
Ask for the phone number directly from a person of your interest. If you don't know how to find this person, use the special databases offer fixed phones in Kazakhstan, for example, Enter the information into the search form and select from poluchennyh results are the ones that most correspond to your search criteria.