The full number in the Federal format includes country code (usually 1 digit, in the case of Russia is +7), city code or mobile operator (3 or 4 digits) and phone number (6-7 digits). If you have a cell phone, it is likely known to you as time in a Federal format, as most of the rooms available for subscribers in this way.
Federal number for your home telephone to know very simply. Find out your city code and paste it to your own phone number as the prefix. Then add the country code for Russia is +7. Now your home number written in the Federal format.
If you have a direct cell, that is, one that has the same number of digits, and dialing, it is also possible to submit the Federal format. You need to add area code and country in the same way as if it was a simple landline.
You can also contact support at the phone company to figure out the "long" version of your room. From a cellular operator to use a simple prefix to add to number to the Federal or have to remember a completely different room. For example, direct numbers MTS prefix, but Tele2, the short version is direct number is often completely different from the Federal. The fact is, to call the direct cell phone number long distance if used as a Supplement to the Federal city code, it works fine, but the delivery of SMS can cause problems – they come only on the long version numbers provided by the operator.