To purchase a ticket Railways online using your Bank card as a debit or credit. Fortunately, maps are now very common, many get them a salary. If suddenly any card no, it is better to have - it's very convenient and gives you the opportunity to remotely pay for not only train tickets but also much more.
Register on the official website of Russian Railways, the service of online ticketing Go to your account and select "Buy ticket" then "Purchase tickets." If you have not logged that item in your menu will be. In the search enter the city of departure and arrival and the dates. The website gives us a list of available flights.
Select from the options suitable. In the list information about the flight number, departure time and arrival time, fares and number of seats available in cars of different types (For example, - coupe -, P - reserved seats, L - LX). Next to buy a ticket Railways online, choose the right train. On the next page, shows the availability for all available train cars, sorted by type of car, and location (top, bottom). Select the desired car.
To purchase a ticket Railways online, as well as through cash at a specific place, it does not, you can only specify upper or lower, the number range (from and to) and put a tick in "In one compartment or In one compartment of a couchette car", if the tickets are purchased for two or more people.
Next, enter the passport details of all those for whom you want to buy Railways tickets online. Here it's standard procedure - when paying for Internet, cell phone or online purchase of products. Enter credit card information, code the sms confirmation that is received from the Bank and bought tickets.
Tickets can be of two types - electronic ticket and electronic check-in. In the first case you need to travel to print out the physical ticket with a barcode, and the second just to show your passport to the conductor when entering the car.