You will need
  • passport, certificate of ownership of the garage, the document – basis of the right of ownership, cadastral passport
1. The contract of sale of garage

1.1. Make a contract. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for two forms of the contract of purchase and sale: notarial form and simple written.

1.1.1. The notarial form of a contract is a contract, prepared by the team of the notary office and notarized. For its compilation, you must provide certain documents, most of which have limited shelf life. A copy of the contract will remain in the archives of the notary, the other two will be issued to the parties to the transaction.

1.1.2. Simple written form of contract (abbr. PPF) is a contract that you own. It does not require any special documents, other than those that can accurately describe the parties to the transaction and the object of the transaction: ordinary passport of the parties, the certificate of ownership to the garage. But, as practice shows, composed in a free form contract often do not register. To avoid this, it is better to trust the writing specialist. You can find it in any real estate Agency.

1.2. Collect a package of documents for registration. It includes: ordinary passport of the seller and the buyer, the document – basis of the right of ownership, the cadastral passport on garage, signed contract. If the seller and/or buyer are married, notarized consent of the spouse on the purchase/sale of the garage.

1.3. Settle the contract. You can transfer the money through a contract with the Bank about renting the cell in which the buyer puts the money before the check, and the seller takes upon presentation of the registered contract. Or, if the parties trust each other, you can just transfer the money before registration.

1.4. Register the contract. For registration, the seller and the buyer shall together be with the above mentioned documents to the registering authority. At the moment the Russian Federation is the Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography.

1.4.1. If the seller and/or buyer can not personally come for the registration, they can send it yourself instead of attorneys. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare a power of attorney.
2. The contract of donation of the garage.

2.1. If you choose this method of transfer of ownership is necessary to comply with the same conditions as in the sale. Only parties will be called not the seller-the buyer and the donor-donee and, accordingly, no phase transfer of money.
3. Barter two garages.

3.1. Maine is, in fact, the exchange garages two car owners, decorated by all the rules. The documents are needed for a is the same as for other contracts, but in duplicate, one for each garage. The parties to the agreement will simply "hand". The registration procedure is the same.

3.2. As a rule, barter does not involve the transfer of funds. Except when there is unequal exchange. Then the contract should outline the amount of compensation and the parties determine the procedure for transferring money through the Bank or from hand to hand.
4. Division of matrimonial assets upon divorce.