Title page. Be sure to specify top higher educational organization and the name of Your school.

In the middle of the page should be written the word "ABSTRACT" and under it its theme. Right below that is written the surname and initials of the student who produced the work and the teacher checked it, and at the very bottom in the middle is the name of Your city and the current year.
The text of the abstract. The most important - is the observance of the margins of the pages (left 35 mm, right 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm), line spacing (single) and font (Times New Roman 14 size). Don't start new paragraphs on a new page, it's best that they go to each other without interruptions.
In addition, do not highlight the titles of the paragraphs in capital letters, as they should be written in the usual way. At the end of the header, never put a dot.
The meaning and insights. We need to allocate the basic concepts of bold, italics, or underlining for easy perception of the text. The conclusions drawn at the end of each paragraph is a General paragraph which should begin with "Therefore..", "Summarizing what has been said...", "That is to say that...", "Summarizing, it should be noted that...", "so we came to the conclusion that...".