Diseases in the nervous system is the General name of neuralgia, which is subdivided into two categories. The first - the nervous diseases which arise as accompanying other diseases. The reason may be injury of a different nature, the presence of hereditary factors and other causes. These diseases are treated under the supervision of a neurologist. The second is mental illness, expressed phobias, schizophrenia and other more severe disabilities. Such patients are engaged in psychotherapists.
To determine the causes of neurological diseases medicine today offers a variety of methods diagnosis: how imaging, electroencelograme and so the Treatment of the patient to a neurologist might be related to memory problems, insomnia, back pain, etc.
It should be remembered that the nervous system largely depends on the functioning of all organs and life-support systems of the patient. If you experience such symptoms as impaired coordination, tremor of the extremities, chronic migraine, pain in the spine, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist. All of this may be a harbinger of such diseases as:
- sciatica is caused by inflammation of the nerve endings of the spinal cord;
- plexitis – acute inflammation of the ganglia;
- ganglionic – increased sensitivity of nerve endings.
- sciatica is caused by inflammation of the nerve endings of the spinal cord;
- plexitis – acute inflammation of the ganglia;
- ganglionic – increased sensitivity of nerve endings.
Strong emotional shocks, traumatic brain injury and chronic insomnia can also be a cause of neuralgia. When such symptoms of the patient or treated in a hospital (in severe cases), or under the supervision of a neurologist as an outpatient.
In case of serious disorders in the brain can develop epilepsy. This disease is dangerous because epileptic seizures occur unpredictably. Falling sick, may cause a physical injury. Unfortunately, the cure for epilepsy has not yet been found. The patient is prescribed drugs that support properties.
Upon detection of a brain tumor patient may fall into a nervous breakdown. You experience fatigue, chronic headaches, the patient often sinks into an unconscious state. Such patients are placed in a hospital and according to testimony prepared for surgery.
Paralysis can be caused by brain damage Treponema pallidum (the effects of syphilis). Patients in the early stages of the disease there is total exhaustion, unmanageable irritability, decreased performance. If the patient does not pass the course of treatment, all these symptoms can progress and lead to complete dementia and senility and finally death. A healthy lifestyle, the ability to manage their emotions will help a person to avoid various neurology.