Medicine, of course, struggling with a terrible diagnosis, and makes remarkable progress in this field. Some forms of cancer are now treatable. But still it is not clear how and why the cancer appears. And the reasons can be very different.
Very much depends on the person and what kind of lifestyle he leads, where he lives, what it eats and how it works. It developed habits and environmental factors in most cases are instigators of disease. For example, the highest mortality in Russia and in America, was from lung cancer directly linked to Smoking. It has long been proven, but apparently not a sufficient inducement to abandon the pernicious habit for most smokers. However, Smoking is still evolving, and cancer of the lips, mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder. Together this, incidentally, is 90% of cases of cancer. And if the number of smokers will decrease, will decrease and the number of patients.
Between food and cancer as there is a direct link. Almost half of patients with cancer of the esophagus, stomach, breast and prostate are overweight. About heard all carcinogens are chemical substances that cause cancer formation. They are added to improve the taste and to increase its shelf life. What carcinogens are the cause of cancer, many say. Meanwhile, only 2% of cancer cases is due to them, but the abundance of fatty foods suffer far more people. Fatty foods really provokes a fatal disease. By the way, excessive consumption of fat may contribute to the formation of carcinogens directly into the body.
The fact is that for the assimilation of fatty foods, the body produces more bile, which can be converted into carcinogens. Fiber helps to digest food twice as fast and prevents the appearance of harmful substances in the intestine. In addition, a large amount of fatty foods in the diet greatly reduces the immune power of the body.
In Russia, America, Canada and New Zealand too overused fats, attributing this to climatic conditions. And cancers are particularly common in these countries. Where do eat a lot of fiber, the situation is different. For example, residents of Japan fats consume very moderately, but fiber is the basis of their power, and the Japanese are much less likely to get sick with cancer.
From excessive alcohol consumption develop cancer of the esophagus and pancreas. Here the role played by both the quantity and quality of alcohol. Harmfulness of alcohol is so high, but if the added chemical is dangerous doubly.
Last but not least in the development of cancer are the nerves. Everyday anxiety and stress so reduce the protective forces of the body that becomes difficult to treat even with a cold, not to mention more serious diseases.
Scientists have found one interesting fact. It turns out that the human body itself produces cancer cells in a state of anger or resentment. And he eliminates them with positive emotions. It turns out that lifestyle change and a good mood can work wonders. Should only want and try.