Information-wave theory of cancer

The wave radiation of the human DNA and its internal organs, excluding individual organs included in the reproductive system can have only two values: 1 and 2 MHz. This is what emits the frequency of a particular authority to determine in advance, because it depends on genetic factors.

Found that cancer can cause two groups of viruses-causative agents: oncovirus viruses and oncogenesis. Oncovirus represents two viruses that are in the same protein shell. One of them contains a DNA second RNA, the frequency of information-wave radiation is 1 MHz. Virus tumorigenesis also consists of two DNA and RNA viruses, but their frequency is 2 MHz. Accordingly, oncovirus can cause cancer of the body, the radiation frequency coincides with their own and is 1 MHz. Viruses, oncogenesis hit the bodies, the DNA of which emits a 2 MHz. When they fall into the relevant cells of the internal organs and their protein shell is destroyed, and he and the other virus aktiviziruyutsya, causing pathological changes at the cellular level. But it should be noted that the cells affected by oncoviruses, share much faster than virus-infected carcinogenesis, cancer processes that develop in a slow mode.

What types of cancer can be caused by viruses

To this type of cancer refers to a cancer of the lymphatic glands, which has 2 species. First, Hodgkin's disease or Hodgkin's disease, occurs in an aggressive form, and in most cases ends in death very quickly. This disease provokes oncovirus. The second type of lymph glands is an indolent disease of the hematopoietic system, it can last for decades, it is caused by a virus oncogenesis.
Frequency-dependent radiation DNA exists in men. In one case, the virus may cause prostate cancer in another "only" a creeping violation of its functions.

Such common "female" disease, like breast cancer and mastopathy, also have a genetic-viral etiology. In that case, when a woman radiation DNA of mammary glands is 1 MHz, when infected with oncoviruses a high probability of developing cancer. In the case where it is 2 MHz, there is the prospect of occurrence of mastitis.
Identified approximately 100 types of human papillomavirus, some of them harmless, 5 have low oncogenic risk, and 13 are included in the group of high oncogenic risk.

Another common disease cervical cancer can also be triggered by cancer a type of human papillomavirus. This virus is dangerous because it can be transmitted through everyday life.