The first group of contact pesticides. These substances that kill pests and weeds by direct contact with them. Systemic pesticides penetrate the plant tissue and attack it from the inside, and pest then when he decides to start eating the plants.

The system of classification of plant protection products are divided into eight categories – the objects of their application:

- insecticides kill insects-pests;
- kharitidi struggling with mites;
- nematicide protect the plant from nematodes;
- rodenticide help to destroy rodents;
the fungicides protect against fungi;
- herbicides fight weeds;
- arboricity protect against woody weeds;
- bactericides are responsible for fighting bacteria.

The best chemicals for weed control are considered "Linter", "Sniper", "Lontrel" and "roundup".

"Linter" and "Lontrel"

"Linter" and "Lontrel" is an effective antinomie herbicides systemic action. They help protect the lawn from clover, dandelion, plantain, dandelion, knotweed and other weeds. Complete disappearance of the weed is guaranteed within 2-4 weeks and the first symptoms of the death of the weeds will occur after 8-10 days. These herbicidal products produced in the form of a water dispersion granules that dissolve easily in water and odorless.


"Roundup" refers to a generic herbicide. It is designed for continuous or directed the destruction of the "hardy" perennial, dicotyledonous weeds and grass weeds. Mostly used during the development of new land or the preparation of land for planting, removal of undesirable vegetation along buildings, fences, walkways.


"Sniper" is a herbicide directional. Treatment with the drug really reminds point shots sniper rifle: liquid from a bottle with an applicator applied directly to the weed leaves. It is a contact herbicide. After applying the "Sniper" is distributed to organs and tissues of the plant, resulting perish all parts of the weed plants: aboveground and underground.

When using herbicides it is necessary to strictly abide by the rules. Children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, sick people should not be allowed to work with poisons.

Preparation of the solution and work with the drugs are carried in special protective clothing or rubber apron, rubber gloves, safety glasses, and gauze-cotton respirators, protecting nose and mouth from the invasion of harmful vapors.
Keep herbicides in tightly closed, away from food. Dishes, which prepared the solution, buried in a specially prepared pit. Hoses, sprayers and pollinators thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Solutions of chemicals were prepared before use. Processing plants need to be in the evening or in the morning. Spraying produces small suspended aqueous solution in the absence of heavy dew and rain. Pollination produces thin powder layer after condensation.