You will need
- - satin ribbons of different widths;
- symmetrical buckle;
- - needle;
- - thread in the color of the tape;
- - cm tape.
Measure the circumference of the waist. For a very simple belt from the tape you will need exact measurements. It is necessary to add 2 cm on the edges. Tape is better to take a wide, 3-5 cm Cut from it a piece of the desired size. Short cuts often sewn buttonhole seam or finish with a serger.
Sew the belt half of a symmetrical buckle. It can be in the form of a butterfly, flower etc. to Sew so that the seam from the outside was either invisible, or look like finishing line. Fit and flat seam "back needle", and the number of stitches should be on the front side.
Baste the other half of that buckle. Try that you get. The belt must tightly embrace the waist, but not interfere with breathing. If necessary, adjust the product. Sew the other half of that buckle. This belt is made from wide white ribbon and gold or silver buckle will look great with a wedding dress made of light fabric. Tape can be one sided.
Braided belt is best done from double-sided tape width 1 – 1.5 cm double-sided tape is better to take because when you weave it turns, and it should not be noticeable. Measure the circumference of the waist. Divide the result by 3. To the waist add 1/3. Add another couple of inches. This is the minimum belt length that you need. Better in any case to add a few inches. If the belt will be tied, add another 20 cm.
To weave a belt of three peticov, lay the strips next to each other, so that the edges aligned. Short ends can be fastened with a safety pin or a few stitches, but is better for this purpose to use an adhesive interlining. If the belt is a buckle, begin to braid from the junction. Netting differs from the usual pigtails only by the fact that tapes must always be infected, they should not be crumpled. Doplatit to the end, tie the ends in the same way as in the beginning, and sew a symmetrical buckle exactly the same as in the manufacture of belts of the same belt.
If the belt will be tied, stapled pieces of tape need not at the edge and at a distance of approximately 10 cm In this case it is better to firmly sew or tie a knot. The netting need to finish the same distance from the other edge, firmly cementing platezhki not to hit. At the ends of the ribbons can be put on wooden beads.
More elegant is a braided zone of the four Plethico. Before you start to weave, staple the ribbon in pairs. Pair position at right angles to each other (short sections of one pair will coincide with the edge of another). Cleave tape. The one that is at the left edge, slide under the second, over the third, under the fourth. Bringing it to the right edge, pin to the next tape. On the left you now have a different tape. Swipe it exactly the same as the first one under the next, over third, under the fourth. Braid this way until the end. Tape the edges of the strips and sew the zipper.