Most often, gardnerellosis develops as a result of promiscuous and unprotected sexual activity, improper intimate hygiene during menstruation, untimely replacement of tampons, wearing synthetic underwear and panty liners, problems with hormonal background of dysbiosis and decrease immunity. Also gardnerellosis often found in the process of puberty and during pregnancy, when hormones are in a state of imbalance.
The main symptom of this disease is the presence of abundant grayish-whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina. They have a homogeneous consistency and a very bad smell of rotten fish. In 50% of cases of gardnerellosis to join discharge burning and itching in the genital tract, increasing in the course of sexual intercourse and urination. The appearance of these symptoms, you must consult a gynecologist for diagnosis and effective treatment – thus should be treated both partners to bacterial vaginosis is not started again.
In the first stage treatment of gardnerellosis is intended to inhibit the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis that causes the development of this disease. To do this, the doctor prescribes such drugs antibacterial action, as "Clindamycin", "Tinidazole" and "Metronidazole" in the form of candles. In local therapy, these candles are used twice a day for seven to ten days.
In the second stage of treatment the vagina is colonized normal healthy microflora by using products containing lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli). Before applying them the woman is recommended to undergo a series of tests for thrush that developed on the background of antibiotic use, and the efficiency of completed therapy. Then the doctor prescribes a vaginal suppositories "Lactosorb", "Lactobacterin", "Atsilakt" or "Bifidin" who use one candle twice a day for seven to ten days. Additionally, you can drink a course of preparations with lactic acid bacteria for maintaining intestinal flora.
Complications of gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis are a colpitis, vaginitis and other serious gynecological diseases.
Useful advice
To get rid of the running gardnerellosis quite difficult, so you should promptly seek assistance from a qualified technician.