The test of loyalty

A loving man does not want to sacrifice the trust of his girlfriend for the sake of fleeting connection. You can ask pretty girlfriend to flirt with her. Importantly, they never intersect. Let her come to him in the club, in a cafe or in the Park, will try to meet you. A guy who truly loves, for such attempts will meet with a polite refusal. But if he is willing to join in the conversation and begin flirting, it is unlikely that experiencing strong feelings.

To check the man of loyalty will help the social network. We need to create a fake account, to choose for avatar photo girls, as consistent with sexual fantasies of experimental men. Be added to his friends or just strike up an active dialogue. And then to analyse the messages and draw conclusions.

Check for reliability

In all Russian fairy tales Princess experienced their suitors, forcing them to carry sometimes very risky assignment. Modern girl in this might take example from them. The willingness to do something for girls, donating your time is an absolute indicator of the love the guy. Requests can invent the most different. Pick a night from the club. To help dig up the garden in the garden with my grandmother. To find online material for the essay. Obbegat all the shops in search of Mandarin chocolate ice cream.

The test of generosity

The man gladly spends money on the girl he loved. As a test, you can contact the guy asking for help to choose dress for any occasion. If the store he will defiantly admire the outfits of "economy class", roll your eyes when you look at the price tag or even will have to wait until the girl will pay the purchase – most likely, he does not see her next to him in the long run.

However, it is not the most reliable way to learn, loves the guy. Maybe he just had no money, and he can't afford to buy dresses. And maybe Vice versa – had so much money that he is willing to buy the outfits, even the girls, which want only sex. In any case, the behavior of the men in the store can tell a lot about his character.

Signs of serious intent

A guy who truly loves, will always find time for his girl. He won't get away with excuses that I didn't call all day, because I was busy. A loving person will always be able to find a couple of minutes on a phone call or SMS.

A guy who values a relationship with a girl, introduce her to his family and close friends. You should pay attention to how often a guy mentions a girl's name when talking about the future. And no matter what he plans a trip out of town for the coming weekend or what he will do in retirement. If all his plans there is one and the same girl, it can be sure – the guy loves her and sees his future only with her.