Welcome to the site

To apply any changes on the page "Classmates" pre-need her to come in. For this you need to enter in the appropriate fields on the home page the website user credentials – username and password. If your computer or phone only you have access to, for convenience, you can use the auto-save password. In this case, subsequent logins to the site "Classmates" you don't have to specify your accounts. Also very useful to save a link to a personal page in the "Classmates" in the browser's bookmarks, then you will need to click on the selected bookmark.

Create and change the status

Once on your personal page in the "Classmates", next to the main picture under your first and last name and a line with the main sections of the site, locate the blank line that says "Add note". Write in this field any text that displays your mood, feelings, appeal to other users of the website, and click "Share".

Add status and in the transition to the "Notes". Click on this link with an appropriate inscription and in the appeared new window write the desired text.

Unnecessary or outdated statuses, remove it with a special button in the upper right corner.

To edit a previously created note, click on it to fully open. Make changes in line with text and click "Save".

Not just text

To diversify your status you may photos, links, music file and survey. On green strap, locate and click the appropriate link-icon. Open the folder that contains the file you want to add a status, select the image or music. Double-click or use the open button to send the file to the page. Wait until the image or audio will load to the page then click "Share". It is noteworthy that in the article you can place several photos, songs and links.

If you wish, you can mention in the note, all or some of their friends. To do this, click the image of the person under the status text, next to "Select other" and in the list from the drop-down window, select the desired users.

Another interesting option that in the "Classmates" appeared not very long ago, - the ability to arrange and conduct on the website of the various surveys. To do this, click the last toolbar in the status window button "Poll" in the appropriate fields write your question and the possible answers. If you want the tick labels "responder can select only one answer."

Clicking on the link "Specify a location", you can choose on the map the place of its location and the location of a person or object, the location of the event. For ease of search in a special line, specify the name or address of the place.

If you plan to install the new note created as the status on the page, select "Put a note in status".

After the status will be made all the necessary changes, click "Share".