Install in phone, the location of which is supposed to determine the SIM card of the operator of cellular communication of MTS, if you haven't done so already.
This operator has two services to determine location: "Locator" and "Child monitor". The first of these is extremely disadvantageous, as each location request will cost you as much as 10 rubles. So use a second service, even if the object location is long gone from childhood. In this case, you will be able to pay a fixed fee of 50 rubles per month, determine the location of the phone is unlimited, but not more often than once in three minutes.
With your phone (connected to the same operator) send to the number 7788 message with the text "mother's name" (hereafter without quotes), where NAME is arbitrarily made-up name. Make a note of it.
In return you will receive a code. Phone, the location where you want to define, send to the same number the following message: "the child the name of code", where code received in the message code, the name of another arbitrarily made-up name. It also note.
From your phone send to the same number the following message: "login". In return you will receive a message with login and password. Write them down.
Click on the following link:
Sign in using your login and password.
Start locating phone on the map.
Never fall for proposals to determine the location of the subscriber without his consent. This service doesn't exist with any carrier - this information is available only to intelligence agencies. All sites where such services are available to the population, are fraudulent. Also never attempt to connect the subscriber to the service secret from him, momentarily taking possession of his phone - such actions can be qualified as unlawful access to computer information (article 272 of the criminal code).