To start, take your shoes and thoroughly clean from dirt and dust. To do this in a fairly warm, but not hot water, dissolve a little soap and ammonia. After that, take a soft cloth and gently wash your shoes.
Allow shoes to dry thoroughly. Then hold it over steam. Polish it with a soft cloth or a special brush for suede products.
After that, take the usual talc, which is sold in any drugstore. Abundantly fill them with grease stain on your suede shoes. Leave it so for three to four hours. The talcum powder should absorb all the fat that is present on the suede. After some time, just brush off the talcum powder and brush the suede with a special brush.
If the above method for some reason does not fit, try another. For cleansing suede, you can also use gasoline. To do this, wet a soft, clean cloth with gasoline. RUB it through your grease stain on the shoes. Then immediately wipe the same spot with a damp cloth to cleanse already of gasoline.
There is one fairly common and effective method of stain removal from suede. For this just take warm soapy water and add forty percent of the volume of liquid ammonia. The resulting solution wash the place where the grease stain. After you dry it and Polish the product, the stain will disappear.