You will need
  • Shampoo, rubber brush for nubuck, coffee grounds, refined gasoline, a special spray for suede.
Clean black suede soap solution. In a container pour some warm water. Then add a small amount of shampoo or liquid soap. Before use, carefully read the composition of the detergent. It should not contain coloring and bleaching agents.
Put the suede on the table so that they are convenient to clean. Wipe clean material foam sponge soaked in liquid. Avoid strong wetting suede, or after drying it will Zagrebel and lose shape. At the end wipe with a clean damp cloth. Dry the product away from radiators of Central heating. Also do not use the appliance for drying suede.
Brush the suede with steam. In a pan or kettle, pour the water. Place a container on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. Hold the suede item over the steam for several minutes. After brush material rubber brush for nubuck.
Use coffee grounds to cleanse black suede. Apply to soiled areas of product and brush. Leave it for a while remove residual coffee grounds with a cotton or gauze swab. Wipe the suede with a damp microfiber cloth. After dry the material at room temperature.
Clean stains from oil with purified gasoline. It can be purchased at hardware or home improvement store. Soak cotton pad in solvent and wipe stains from the periphery to the center. Rinse the trace of the stains with a damp cloth. Refined gasoline evaporates quickly, so does not damage the color and structure of the material.
Treat the suede with a special spray product. Buy this tool only in retail stores. Otherwise you risk to buy a defective product. Lay the suede on the table and spray. Substances included in the composition, forming a water-repellent film.