Decided to allocate six types of triangles. The basis of this division is based on two classifications: corners and sides. Classification by types of the corners implies the division of the triangles on the acute-angled, right angle and obtuse. Classification by aspect ratio divides the triangles into scalene, equilateral and isosceles. Each triangle at the same time belongs to two types. For example, it may be rectangular and versatile at the same time.
In determining the type of triangle by angle type, be very careful. Obtuse is called a triangle whose one angle is obtuse, then there is more than 90 degrees. A right triangle can be calculated by the presence of one right (90 degree) angle. However, to classify the triangle as acute-angled, you will need to make sure that all three of its angles are acute.
In determining the type of the triangle according to the aspect ratio, first you have to know the lengths of all three sides. However, if the condition of the lengths of the sides you are given, to help you be able corners. Versatile will be the triangle, all three sides have different lengths. If the lengths of the sides are unknown, then the triangle may be classified as scalene if all three angles are different. Scalene triangle can be obtuse, rectangular and angular.
Will be an isosceles triangle, two of the three sides of which are equal. If the lengths of the sides you are given, focus on the two equal angles. An isosceles triangle as versatile, may be obtuse, rectangular and angular.
Equilateral can only be called a triangle, all three sides have the same length. All its angles also equal, and each equal to 60 degrees. It is clear that equilateral triangles are always acute-angled.