You will need
  • the herb St. John's wort;
  • scrub;
  • - clay;
  • - juice of lemon or cucumber;
  • - sour cream;
  • - sunscreen.
First of all, prepare the skin. To do this you need to take a hot bath. Add water, pre-cooked broth Hypericum - so all the pores will unfold, and herbal infusion will help to reduce the intensity of the tan. But this procedure should not be excessive, otherwise the tan will start to go spots. Don't forget to periodically during the procedure, wet the face with water and broth.
Preparation for brightening masks, you need to continue, removing the Horny layer. Use the belongings or peeling. You can use another tool if it is suitable for this purpose, as well as your skin type.
You can now start the procedure of clarification. To do this, you can make several different masks. Long been known that the sour cream, cucumber, lemon juice and clay are beneficial to skin of the face and make it a shade lighter. Masks can be made from each ingredient separately, and their mixture.
To prepare the mask, you should squeeze lemon juice (need about a tablespoon), take a spoonful of clay and cream. Add the juice into the clay, then the sour cream, mix it thoroughly and apply on the face. Mask should be kept for at least 15 minutes. Rinse with cold and then with hot water. Instead of sour cream add grated cucumber or its juice.
Clay, you will use masks, it is necessary to choose in accordance with skin type and given the other problems or defects. Blue, yellow and white clay is especially good for my face, also it is used to narrow pores, acne treatment, healing. It is better suited for oily skin. Green clay similar properties, but it is to choose those who have normal or combination skin. Pink clay removes wrinkles and helps rejuvenate and purifies and nourishes. Ideal for Mature skin. Red clay is preferred by those who have sensitive, dry, sluggish skin. It helps to relieve redness and irritation. Don't forget, before applying the mask, apply the clay on a small area to ensure no allergies.
And of course, try to avoid exposure to direct sunlight - and then to whiten the face is not necessary. Before going outdoors, apply sunscreen with high sun protection.