You will need
  • Internet access
  • the presence of email (if the emails will be sent out via the Internet)
  • envelopes (if letters will be sent in paper version)
  • client base
Create the "right" customer base. Under the "right" base " means the classification of customers according to four characteristics – permanent, new, proposed. The fourth category includes so-called "bad" consumers, i.e. consumers, bringing the company a small or zero income. Created client base need to reflect the email addresses of consumers and the actual mailing address, information about their transactions (orders, purchases, returns), information about their geographical location, social status and needs. Based on wydepilowane classification and created a base, to form a sentence. From well-formed bases it will be possible to make a selection of clients who fit a specific proposal. For example, MS Ivanova likes sales, so any sale can please her. But Mr. Petrov is a representative of companies that purchase from you the latest developments and technological innovations. He will do suggestions about new products.
Specify the title to the letter, or develop a design envelope that will be necessarily opened. Only a vivid and memorable phrase can warm the client's interest and make him open the envelope or came by e-mail letter. For example, a special offer from company X, which should not be overlooked.
Specify the text of the letter to appeal to a specific client by name and patronymic, clear and understandable offer and signature.
Design advertising flyers. It is important to pay attention to the design and text. If the letter will be sent by regular mail, they must and print, if you are planning a letter – electronic, will be enough of a leaflet layout in jpeg format.
Invest in an envelope or attach a file to an email with an advertising flyer, order form and the letterm. Send the proposal in envelopes, mail or email the letterM.