When assessing staff competence understand the formal requirements for the personal and professional qualities of employees. The company spells out specific sets of key competencies for different staff normally consists of 5-9 signs. They serve as a basis for making management decisions in the appointment or refusal. In law, this term refers to the circle of the legally established authority of a particular organ or official. Types of competencies: professional (refer to the specific technological process); - professional (refer to the different elements of the employment environment - effective collaboration with other employees, ability to implement and improve its labor activity); - key, or base (the need to acquire new knowledge, adapt to new requirements and situations). Core competence in turn is further subdivided into several types. Communicative competence - the ability to communicate and love to do it. Do not have to know everything, it is often enough to know who knows the answer to the question. Communicative competent person can easily forge relationships, gaining social capital. Information and communication competence is a continuation or Supplement of communicative competence. Only instead of meeting with the right people here is the ability to find the answers you need in information sources - the Internet, first and foremost. Modern means of communication offer a huge choice of possibilities. Social competence is the knowledge of the laws and customs of society, the ability to live in it. Self-management is the ability to manage themselves and their lives. The term "competence" was first used by American sociologist Robert white in 1959. He identified competence as an effective interaction of the individual with the environment. In the early 70-ies of the 20th century was the first serious study on the development of competencies. At that time recruitment has traditionally been carried out by exam - tested knowledge of General subjects, American history, the rules of the English language and some knowledge of Economics. But this approach had serious shortcomings - tests would hardly pass linguistic minorities, in addition, scores did not guarantee success. David McClelland developed the concept of behavioural competencies, which defines the behavior of successful leaders. I have compiled a list of 19 common competencies. In 1989 he established the model of competences of entrepreneurs, salespeople, employees of various organizations. Examples of managerial competencies is to influence, analytical thinking, orientation on achievement, self-confidence, teamwork, cooperation and other. Of course, the ideal employees, who have all competencies will be harmoniously developed, almost impossible to find. In the case of uneven development, some competences can be supplemented by others. With the help of competency solve such problems as staff recruitment, appraisal of the event, adaptation of new employees, incentive programs, formation of personnel reserve, training and development of employees, development of corporate culture. For the assessment of competencies used by professional and psychological tests, projective techniques, group discussions, business games and other activities.
What is the competence of the
The word "competence" originates from the Latin verb "соmpeto" - seek match. Competence is the ability, knowledge, and skills of a specialist, by which he solves any problem or achieves the desired results.

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