To open an account on "Yandex.Money", you need to register the mail address in "Yandex" To do this, use the link "create a mailbox". Then step by step follow the recommendations, your personal information (name, address) is not required.
Log in to your mailbox, to do this, click on "Mail" or "Enter email" at the top right on the page "Yandex". If you access the Internet from a private computer and are not afraid of foreign infiltration - use the check box "remember me" then login and password will be entered automatically. If you use a public computer, do not risk. Be sure to close your Inbox after you complete your case. For this purpose in the upper right corner beside your email address click "Exit" or "Exit".
Once you have opened your Inbox, click the top menu link "Money". "Yandex" will prompt you to open an account and start using the electronic money. You have to choose the appropriate option and follow the step-by-step automated instructions. Remember that password from the electronic wallet should not repeat the password from the mailbox!
Your electronic purse will be automatically attached to the e-mail address. If you go out with one personal computer in the future you will not have to go in the mail, you have to remember the payment password. To access your wallet from any other computer you can through Inbox. Many organizations today offer themselves to pay bills through "Yandex.The money", ie you will only need to choose the item, enter the amount and enter your payment password.
All the operations of your wallet you will be able to trace using the link "History" on the left. All payments can be tied, i.e. you do not need to manually enter phone numbers, Bank details, etc. In turn, the electronic wallet can be linked to the Bank card is especially useful for periodic obligatory payments (utilities, payment of cellular communication and the Internet, etc.)
When transferring large amounts from one of the "Yandex-purse" to another, use the protection code - this will reduce the risk of loss if you incorrectly enter account or wallet. The recipient can withdraw the money only after you will enter this code. Otherwise, the money will remain with you.