Heart needs constant training. Of course, it is not necessary for an inexperienced person to try to beat sports records – the load should increase gradually but steadily. The best sport for strengthening are walking, swimming, Cycling. Will fit for this purpose and the exercise bike, but the fresh air will bring much more benefit. Winter is very useful and affordable activities will be skiing.
Start small - let your rule will be: "at least part of the road to and from work – on foot". Give up the Elevator. If you live in an apartment building, go up to his apartment up the stairs to the 6th floor, and then increase the load to strengthen the heart muscle. Weekends try to spend outdoors, in motion.
Avoid overloads. Hot summer days, our citizens used to spend in the country, exhausting yourself in the battle for the harvest. However, the heat is better to wait in the shade, and to work in the morning and evening. Believe me, no amount of vegetables will not give you back the lost health, if you decide that the harvest is more expensive.
Heat is generally very poorly tolerated by the body, therefore, if you have the opportunity, take the example of the inhabitants of southern Europe - Italians and Spanish people: from noon until three o'clock in the afternoon – a Siesta.
And, of course, people who are prone to cardiovascular disease, in any case it is impossible to abuse Russian bath and sauna.
Eat right. The heart must get essential nutrients to function properly:? potassium – its a lot of zucchini, bananas, apricots – fresh and dried, grapes, raisins, cocoa, legumes;
? magnesium are legumes, seafood, buckwheat, oats, watermelons, nuts;
? iodine is seafood, beets, lettuce, cheese, cabbage, grapes, plums;
? vitamins C and P – oranges, black currants, apples, sweet pepper, wild rose, chokeberry, raspberries, strawberries.
Discard heavy fat food, from butter – replace with useful vegetable: olive, corn, sunflower. These oils contain polyunsaturated acids, essential for strengthening blood vessels and heart.
Learn to fight stress. Of course you can't live life avoiding all the unpleasant experiences, however, you can learn relaxation methods, which will not allow to dwell on heavy thoughts, debilitating nervous system and triggers the development of cardiovascular disease.
Remember: your health is in your hands. Build your happy future brick by brick, and the Foundation of this building put exercise, fresh air, proper nutrition and a positive attitude to life.