First, weigh the pros and cons. Decide whether you want to save the relationship with his wife or they're all doomed anyway. To do this, consider whether there is your fault in the cheating wife, pushed it to it's you, or the tendency to infidelity is a property of its nature. If the fault still lies on you, you can try to fix that.
Analyze what you did wrong, you were wrong in your wife relations. Perhaps some nuances she have already pointed out, and you didn't pay attention. If you are willing to make concessions, talk to your wife heart to heart, let her know that her words and desires are important to you. But don't tell her what you know about her lover, or she may decide that it is a good means of manipulating you, and will change in the future.
Perhaps, the wife received little attention from you make it right. Give her flowers, invite to the cinema or restaurant, as in the days of honeymoon period. Often spend time together and communicate. Try to find a common hobby or interest and join them together. In other words, refresh your senses. Let the wife remember, that fell in love with you.
Become attractive again for his wife. If you have problems with your fitness, join a gym. Start eating right, we can do it together with his wife, if she is interested. If you're used to after work to spend time in front of the TV or computer, show more activity. Help wife around the house or come up with an interesting occupation for himself or for the whole family. Let the wife see you as an interesting person.
If the wife started to get change because of infidelity on your part, be ready to improve. If you are willing to be faithful, tell the wife about it. Explain to her how you care and that you are willing to be with her. If you do change, you can't demand loyalty from the partner.
If, on the contrary, you are family-oriented and the wife is cheating for the love of the thrill, try to act the opposite. Make you jealous. Poflirtovat with other women, for example, colleagues. It should not be too apparent, but the wife must understand that you are attractive to other women. Most likely, then partner will appreciate you more and fear of losing.
If you still blew off the dust from his wife and was more interested in the person in your relationship, try the opposite tactic. If the wife believes you to be passionate about it and willing to forgive all, it can change, hoping that she'll get away with it. In this case you should do what you expect. Show indifference to its connection on the side. Pay less attention to it. More work and spend time with friends. This may make your wife miss you and your attention, she'll want to regain your love and leave a lover.
Useful advice
Determine whether a wife cheated on you. Because unchecked speculation ruined a lot of relationships.