To quickly learn the traffic rules, always have them on hand. Please not only printed edition of the rules, but also provide yourself with Internet access. The memory of each person works differently: someone who better remembers the text and someone developed visual thinking. Determine what memory works best you.
If it's easier to memorize a text, learn the traffic rules the brochure, and the owners of creative thinking will be easier to remember the rules with pictures and examples. But the most effective way of remembering the SDA is a combination of printed and graphic information.
On the Internet there are a large number of sites and programs that are especially designed to help prospective drivers. Visit the official website of the traffic police, the information there is accurate.
Use the program that issues the traffic situation and the options for its solution. In the case of an incorrect answer you will be given the correct answer and an excerpt from the SDA, cusumaza this issue. This method is quite effective, it not only allows you to remember the rules, but also to prepare for the exam in the SAI, which uses a similar program.
Learn traffic rules gradually, do not try to memorize a large amount of information. Constantly repeat the rules in memory. The best time for memorizing the material is from 7.00 to 12.00.
Study material, split it into 4 stages:- review and review the material;- identify the main ideas and their relationships;- repeatedly repeat the most important facts;- make a plan to response and retry information in accordance with this plan.
To teach SDA start with the most difficult moments and the simple ones later.
Learned information, tell the other person – parents, friends, and acquaintances.