You will need
  • - chest x-ray.
Acute bronchitis usually starts on the background of laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. First, there is a slight temperature, a dry or wet cough, weakness. In severe disease the temperature may greatly rise, there is difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Pain in the lower chest is associated with overexertion of muscles when you cough.
Lobar pneumonia begins acutely, often after severe hypothermia. The temperature rises up to 39-40 degrees, the patient has a high fever. Once there is pain when breathing and coughing from the affected lung. The cough is accompanied by purulent viscous sputum streaked with blood. The condition of the patient heavy. Breathing shallow, rapid, nasal flaring. The affected side of the thorax is much less when breathing from healthy.
Bronchitis acute symptoms subside by 3-4 day and favorable course in the disease completely disappear after a week and a half. The majority of patients with pneumonia require hospitalization and a lengthy treatment.
For pneumonia characteristic signs of General intoxication, violation of tissue respiration, which manifests a pronounced blue discoloration of the nail phalanges of fingers and toes, earlobes, tip of the nose. Depending on the stage of the disease when listening to breath sounds are heard of crepitate (sound rassipautsya alveoli), pleural friction RUB. Bronchitis - breathing hard, caught dry and wet finely wheezing.
The most accurate method, which allows to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia is a chest x-ray. Inflammation of the bronchi, no significant changes in lung causes. X-ray for pneumonia depending on the severity of the disease shows a darkening of the entire affected lobe of the lung or its part.