Copy several times the desired track in the folder, naming four copies in different ways- the original, low frequency, high frequency and medium frequency.
Download Adobe Audition, open the program and open four copies of your songs. After that, select the original track, displaying its audio wave.
Click on the highlighted from the beginning to the end of the wave with the right mouse button, find it in the drop-down menu "Filters" and its subsection "Removing the Central channel. Opens a dialog to edit the parameters of the Central sound channel.
"The Level of the Central channel, adjust the volume slider of the channel, moving it right and left, and then in the line "Setting discrimination" set the value of the width of the cut.
From time to time, click "View" to track changes and modify the settings up until you are satisfied with the final result when listening. Click OK.
Open track with low frequencies and again right-click on the selected sound wave. Specify the menu category of "Scientific filters" and in the opened window select the tab "Butterwort".
The cutoff frequency should be 800Hz. Like last time, you can track changes, listening to them click "Preview".
Similarly, adjust the indicators to track high-frequency and medium-frequency setting in the "bandwidth" value of 800-6000Hz and cutting Central channels in all the remaining tracks.
Get to removing vocals from soundtracks such effect that the voice has disappeared by itself, with no loss of quality instrumental and melody parts.
Now you have only to create four edited by the frequencies of tracks of the multitrack. To do this, select all the tracks one above the other in the work window, to listen and validate. press Play and if you are satisfied, and is not required to rule EQ – save a multitrack into a single audio file on the computer.