You will need
  • — Praziquantel;
  • — Niclosamide;
  • — salted;
  • — garlic;
  • — milk;
  • — millet;
  • — chicken eggs;
  • — tansy.
Diagnosis of bullish tapeworm is not too difficult. In the stool with the naked eye can see fragments of the parasite. And under the microscope numerous ripe eggs of helminths. Suspecting the presence in your body's uninvited guests, immediately contact the specialist parasitologist, infectious diseases, and in their absence the therapist.
After the necessary examinations, will be prescribed treatment. When infected by a tapeworm is bullish — "Praziquantel", "Niclosamide", which reduce resistance tapeworm to gastric juice, in consequence of which he dies. The treatment is carried out until, until the body is removed all the eggs tapeworm.
Not everyone is able to withstand the toxicity of drugs from worm infestation. Try traditional methods to get rid of bullish tapeworm. High efficiency has the following means. Clean from the bones, salted herring, blend it to a paste, add 3 chopped cloves of garlic, 1 raw egg yolk (domestic chicken), 2 tablespoons of washed and dried wheat. Grind the composition until smooth and add one Cup of cool boiled milk.
2 days before treatment, observe a vegetarian diet. In the morning do an enema with the following composition. Prepare an infusion of tansy tablespoon of herb to 250 ml of boiling water to insist 2 hours and filtered. Mix a glass of milk with a glass of tansy and enter into the intestine in the form of an enema. You must keep this mixture for as long as possible.
At the same time take cooked half a Cup during the day at equal intervals of time. Treatment of spend for 7 days, every other day, with a vegetarian diet. If necessary, treatment repeat after 10 days.